I co-created a public service multi-media hub that serves all of eastern Connecticut. It is based at two local radio stations and weekly programs are produced live on WILI 1400 AM/95.3 FM (On the Homefront) and WECS 90.1 FM/www.wecsfm.com (The Pan American Express) at Eastern Connecticut State University.
- On the Homefront programs are live from 5:00-6:00 pm on WILI AM 1400 and 95.3 digital FM.
- They are video recorded for the WILI YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgpHwaCnfeKqxQD5QSs1rX0k97ks6gf-x.
- Guests can receive links to their programs for sharing on their own communication channels.
- Programs are rebroadcast on The Pan American Express on Wednesdays from 12-3 pm WECS 90.1 FM and www.wecsfm.com at Eastern Connecticut State University.
- My monthly column in Neighbors, our regional newspaper, has media news and program updates with information about guests with links for sharing in their own communications. www.neighborspaper.com
- Stay in touch! Send news and announcements, use email to schedule a visit: john@humanartsmedia.com
- John Murphy, Host, Co-Producer