Michael Sweet, Tom King, Colin Rice, John Murphy
The home studio and production center for the weekly series is based at WILI AM-FM in Willimantic.
- On the Homefront programs are live from 5:00-6:00 pm on WILI AM 1400 and 95.3 digital FM.
- They are video recorded for the WILI YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgpHwaCnfeKqxQD5QSs1rX0k97ks6gf-x.
- Guests can receive links to their programs for sharing on their own communication channels.
- Programs are rebroadcast on The Pan American Express on Wednesdays from 12-3 pm WECS 90.1 FM and www.wecsfm.com at Eastern Connecticut State University.
- My monthly column in Neighbors, our regional newspaper, has media news and program updates with information about guests with links for sharing in their own communications.
- Stay in touch! Send news and announcements, use email to schedule a visit: john@humanartsmedia.com
We are planning to add three more local radio stations to our network this year, in Putnam, Norwich and New London. When we accomplish this we will have complete in-depth coverage for all of eastern Connecticut—in Tolland, Windham and New London Counties, with a population of about ½ million people.
The founding members of this new media service:
Michael Sweet, Public Access Coordinator, Spectrum Media
Tom King, Publisher of Neighbors
Colin Rice, WILI, Hall Communications Eastern CT Marketing Manager
Charter/Spectrum Channel 192–our previous production HQ is now a distribution partner for the series to reach wider regional audiences.

Dedicated to the original co-founder James Diaz!